A mascot to attract money and wealth of many centuries manufacture the magi. It is believed that the recipe for manufacturing the refuge of the amulet of luck received in ancient times, a scottish hunters of the local tribe of dwarves. The recipe of manufacturing of the mascot to attract the money of the dwarves given to the hunter, that he has saved in the mountains of Scotland of the old dwarf, who had fallen heavy stone.

It is believed that the race of underground gnomes that the inhabitants of Albion. At least, in the united Kingdom and Ireland, one person in two believes that the dwarves and the trolls, who are real inhabitants of the underground realm. In reality, the sub-soil of our planet is practically not investigated and that, where, in reality, under the ground, it is difficult for us. As we know, the dwarves are the most rich and lean, the characters of this hidden world. The greater part of their wealth they get under the ground in the form of precious metals and precious stones, or do the magic for attracting money.
How to make an amulet from the son of his own hands
For making charm to attract money, we need a coin and a copper wire of different diameters 0.8 and 0.3 mm Tools: clamps and side clamps. And now we begin to understand how to make an amulet to attract money magic of scottish technology, its hands at home . On the photo is presented the overall manufacturing process of this mascot. Considered that such a ground braided wire is a kind of amplifier and the antenna to attract money.
- First of all, let's make a framework for the components of over over thick, bending of the size of the room. Fold the edges to the top spikes, leaving 3-4 centimeters, to form a suspension of coulomb , too cut.
- Cook from wire of 0.8 mm, and small dense rings, with a diameter of about 0.5 see
- Take 1.2 metres of thin wire, leaving free the end of a length of 50 cm and begin wrapping the carcass of the mascot.
- All 3-4 of the revolution tight to join a ring. Then, do 3 rounds on it-the same ring, on the side, which will attach to the next, screw the first three dense coils. Then, we descend the two coils of the second ring of the carcass and join its five dense coils. Then everything is repeated until reach the last ring, close the circle. Join the first and the last of three rounds and we finish the winding of five turns on the side of the ring.
- Form the suspension. A short distance from the cash of the mascot make a piece of wire small loops. Of thin wire, left free at the beginning of the work, to start to wrap tight two parallel wires of suspension. After the braid, remove the wire and clamped the press to the press.
- For the manufacture of the domestic currency of the amulet wire of 0.8 mm do of the carcass, of the same form as the preceding, but smaller in diameter. The ends fold over the edges towards the inside and held it firmly.
- Insert a coin between the skeletons and we assemble them from thin wire, winding between the washers.
- The loop of cash of the amulet do folding braided suspension.
When amulet to draw money loan, on top of him, you need to read a spell on an old scots dialect: "My gnome makes me amulet for money and wealth. And I tell him the answer that I want, to luck. And every day and every hour begin to flock money in my pocket", which is a rough translation means: "My dwarf weaves me amulet for money and wealth. And I said to him in answer, what I want of luck. And each day, each hour, begin to pour the money in my pocket". The amulet must wear a leather strap under clothing.